Skills4Life: Future Skills that Prepare Students for the Future World of Work

22 June 2022

CMU School of Lifelong Education

        For 58 years, CMU has been passing on knowledge and skills to people and in today’s world, learning is no longer restricted to the traditional classroom. Although hard skills, which are acquired through formal education, remain essentially professional, soft skills, which are acquired through socialization, life experience and collaboration, are also as important. And the latter can become stronger through time, but with proper training. In short, they can and should be fostered as well.

       First and foremost, it is important to understand the origins of each capability and how we gain such a skill. Additionally, there is an awareness of the right self-development techniques that will accumulate throughout the lifetime. To gain the understanding of the significance, adaptation and application of soft skills to life and work, the CMU School of Lifelong Education has launched the Skills4Life programme that teaches students about life and work skills that will make students, new graduates, as well as working adults ready for the world that is constantly changing and is always competitive. This programme will help lead them to success in socialization, emotional management and collaboration, otherwise known as ‘soft skills.’

      Research by McKinsey & Company collected data from 18,000 people in 15 countries regarding necessary skills in the future world of work and it proposes four core skills which are divided further into 56 skills (DELTAs: 56 distinct elements of talent). Skills4Life has followed the research findings and come up with four groups of pilot programmes focusing on intelligence, which are: critical thinking, communication, planning and ways of working, and mental flexibility.

       The CMU School of Lifelong Education is offering 16 learner-friendly and practical programmes for free via CMU MOOC, which would allow learners to learn at their convenience. Some of the courses offered include Storytelling & Public Speaking, Asking the Right Questions, Active Listening, Time Management & Prioritization, Adaptability, and Learning How to Learn.

      Moreover, there are workshops that encourage practical application of the soft skills learned, leading to the synthesis of knowledge that is tailored to the individual. These skills are not just meant to be learned and used, but they also allow learners to live with others and thrive in various professional contexts, leading to more concrete results.
For more information about soft skill development by CMU School of Lifelong Education and application, visit or leave your questions at Line Official Account: @CMULifelong.
